Visit the following websites for helpful educational resources, action alerts, and information about national campaigns to abolish nuclear weapons. These are just a few of the hundreds of nuclear disarmament organizations that provide educational resources and materials:[1]
The ABOLITION NOW! campaign aims to create the political will, through the mobilization of civil society, for the complete abolition of nuclear weapons by 20/20.
ALLIANCE FOR NUCLEAR ACCOUNTABILITY is a national network of organizations working on nuclear weapons and waste issues. Check out their website to find a local partner.
The CHURCHES' CENTER FOR THEOLOGY AND PUBLIC POLICY has partnered with the Islamic Society of North America on the "Muslim-Christian Initiative on the Nuclear Weapons Danger." Visit their website for useful educational resources and more information.
The DAISY ALLIANCE is a grass roots peace organization that seeks peace and security through the reduction of risk of use of weapons of mass destruction. The alliance educates people in all walks of life about the devastation WMDs are capable of inflicting and the threat they pose to civilization.
FAITHFUL AMERICA is an online community of people of faith working together to build a more just and compassionate nation.
THE FOURTH FREEDOM FORUM devotes itself to freeing humanity from the fear of war by eliminating nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and strengthening international law.
The FRIENDS COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL LEGISLATION is a Quaker lobby active on disarmament issues. Visit their website to subscribe to action alerts, the Nuclear Calendar, and to view helpful lobby guides.
The INTERFAITH COMMITTEE FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT coordinates legislative strategy on nuclear weapons issues. Its website contains statements on nuclear weapons from religious organizations, military leaders, and international commissions.
Representing 45 million persons from a wide spectrum of churches, the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES has been a leading force for cooperation among Christians in the United States.
In December 2008 in Paris, 100 leaders from around the world launched GLOBAL ZERO. They announced a plan for the phased, verified elimination of nuclear weapons, starting with deep reductions in the U.S. and Russian arsenals, to be followed by multilateral negotiations among all nuclear powers for an agreement to eliminate all nuclear weapons.
At THE NUCLEAR AGE PEACE FOUNDATION website, sign up for THE SUNFLOWER, a free monthly newsletter on nuclear weapons issues, and join the Turn the Tide Campaign to receive regular action alerts on nuclear dangers.
THE NUCLEAR THREAT INITIATIVE was founded by Senator Sam Nunn in 2001, NTI aims to strengthen global security by decreasing the risk of the use and proliferation of nuclear weapons.
PAX CHRISTI USA works to make the gospel imperative of peacemaking a priority in the Catholic Church in the United States. This includes promoting nuclear, conventional and domestic disarmament
PEACE ACTION, the merger of SANE and the Nuclear Freeze, has effectively mobilized for peace and disarmament for nearly fifty years.
PROPOSITION ONE is a grassroots movement for disarmament of nuclear weapons and the conversion of nuclear and other arms industries to provide for human and environmental needs. Prop 1 aims to replicate the victory of DC Initiative 37, which lead to the introduction of H.R. 1653 into Congress starting in 1994, into Voter Initiative Campaigns across the entire country.
PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY has been a longtime advocate for nuclear disarmament. The national office monitors nuclear weapons issues carefully, and local chapters are excellent allies and resources.
SOJOURNERS is a progressive Christian community that focuses on faith, politics and culture. Their monthly magazine and weekly news updates provide a refreshing Christian commentary on public policy.
THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, GENERAL BOARD OF CHURCH AND SOCIETY is an agency within the UMC that seeks to bring the whole of human life, activities, possessions, use of resources, and community and world relationships into conformity with the will of God.
WOMEN'S ACTION FOR NEW DIRECTIONS empowers women to change our government's priorities by taking action for peace and security. WAND's new set of study guides, FAITH SEEKING PEACE, addresses issues about nuclear weapons, military spending and terrorism.
[1] Breaking faith with nuclear weapons: A guide for religious communities. Faithful Security: The National Religious Partnership on the Nuclear Weapons Danger, p.15.